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DIY Watercolor Notebook

Yesterday I was triumphantly emptying my school backpack, as one does in summer, when I was struck by three realizations. 1: I have now have all of this time on my hands, so blogging is inevitable. 2: I have one really ugly notebook. 3: Summer boredom was closing in fast. So I did what any Pinterest obsessed person would do. I give you: The DIY Tumblr inspired watercolor quote notebook, for all of your summer journaling/doodling needs.

I have officially entered the realm of "DIY". There is no turning back now.



1: Gather all of your supplies and measure your watercolor paper to the size of your notebook. (If you want, you can use two pieces of paper to cover both sides of your notebook). Make sure that you use watercolor paper. Other paper will either fall apart or make the paint show up much darker than it is. Trust me, this paper thing took me three tries.

2: Determine a color scheme for your notebook. Two or three colors work best. I decided to do pink, purple, and blue on my notebook. Now just pretend you are a famous painter and go crazy! I learned the hard way that watercolor paints fade as the dry, so go for a slightly more vibrant color than you want. If your colors aren't blending together the way you want, use a little water on your paintbrush to blend them together.

3: Let your masterpiece dry. Now it's time to choose a quote and write it on your painting. If you want your penmanship to be perfect, you can print out a stencil. I decided to just do mine free hand.

4: Now all you have to do is write over your penciled in writing with a sharpie. I found that black fine tip sharpies work the best. Then just glue your painting to the front of your notebook.


xo Bella

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