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DIY Ripped Jeans for Fall

Fall is upon us! (comment below if you read that in a dramatic voice. I totally did). That means all foods are pumpkin spice flavored, sweaters are worn even if it is still 80 degrees outside, and people are having to use fake leaves for all of their Instagram pictures. This also means you will see more flannel than leaves, and ripped jeans will be more expensive than the fully intact ones. And, being me, I have taken it upon myself to fix this basic fall problem. I give you, DIY ripped jeans that are the price of.. well...jeans!

1: The Supplies

You Wil Need:

  • A pair of denim jeans

  • A white or brightly colored watercolor pencil

  • Tweezers

  • Scissors

  • Sandpaper

2: Distress Those Jeans!

Take your sand paper and rub it over the section of jean that you want to rip. You can distress it as much or as little as you like (or not at all) but doing this makes the rips look more natural and lived-in.

3: Make Your Mark:

Using your pencil, make two horizontal lines on top of the area that you just distressed. The space between these lines is how large the width of your rip will be.

4: Cut It Up

Cut along the lines that you just made. Make sure that they are exactly the same length.

5: Start the Shredding

To make the shreds in your jeans, pull the dark blue threads that run vertically from the space that you created with your two cuts. By doing this you will leave all the horizontal threads, creating the worn out effect. This process is a bit tedious, so I like to watch some Netflix or youtube and the time will flies by.

6: The Final Touches:

When you're done, your rip should look something like this. You can use your tweezers or scissors to distress the edges or cut out pieces of the horizontal threads to make it look more natural.

7: Ta Da!

Who's DIY royalty now? Take that, gorgeous pictures of "tumblry" girls wearing ripped jeans and pumpkins! If you make this DIY or were inspired by it, tag me in photos of your beautiful creations on Instagram and Twitter. I would love to see them!

Au revoirs mis amis!

XO, Bella

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